Wednesday, September 17, 2008

out of the mouths of babes...

At 17 months, Jonathan is quite the chatterbox! A lot of it doesn't make sense, but he has a prety good vocabulary and he can get his point across pretty easily. He understands everything you ask him to do, too. I just love watching this kid...he is seriously the coolest thing around!

Here's what he says now:
*pi (pineapple)
*pop (yogurt, because of the little burping noise it makes when you open it)
*coke (any kind of soda can is coke to him)
*papa (Matt)
*nigh nigh (night night)
*gookie (cookie)
*cacker (cracker)
*boobie (when he wants to nurse)
*oh crap
*fow (throw)
*uff uff (when he sees a dog)
*Eye-uh (lila the dog)
*cuck (truck)
*buh bye
*mun (moon-kind of like the oo sound in book or cook)
and last but not least, Matt's favorite buck-EYE (with the emphasis on EYE).


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