Tuesday, September 2, 2008

YES, I am still breastfeeding!

Yes, I am still nursing my son. He's 17 MONTHS old, not 17 YEARS old. I have the full support of my family. I'm amazed how people think it's odd that I'm still nursing, and how quick people are to make comments about it. My kid, my choice. If I was a SAHM, it might be a different story. But I work FT, so this is my way of reconnecting with him, and relaxing after work.

And while I'm on my little tangent:
*yes, we vaccinate our son
*yes, we circumcised our son
*yes, we co-sleep with him.
*We don't believe in CIO

He's a happy, healthy, bright, confident, amazing little boy and I just wish people would stop offering their thoughts on what we should or shouldn't be doing as parents. I find it odd that people we don't even know feel like it's their job to convey their feelings, or act like we're terrible people for vaxing/circing our son. No decision we make is done lightly, and we do what we feel is best.

I feel much better for getting that out! (and a disclaimer: this was not directed at anyone specific, it's just going through my head and I wanted to blog about it.)


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